Why Kazidomi is the Belgian Marketing Company of the Year


Kazidomi is an e-commerce retailer offering more than 4000 SKU’s going from food, drinks, health and beauty etc…

How to launch a  successful start-up in a category with small margins and dominated by traditional  retailer giants and by e-commerce giants..  ?

Kazidomi’s answer consists of :

  1. Build a community around a purpose-led solution and implement a subscription model.  Indeed, community members pay € 80 per year.  The subscription model is a smart way to generate additional revenues and to influence the purchase frequency.  These subscription fees allow Kazidomo to connect with scientists to ensure the sustainability and heathtiness of the offer
  2. Walk the talk.  Kazidomi is carbon neutral, B-Corp certified and certified organic.
  3. Never give up
  • Nuture your customers with great content !    
  • Listen to your customers and Improve continuously your service model i.e. more deliveries the same day ; 7/7
  1. Think and act in a holistic way !
  • Clarify your positioning with all stakeholders, including suppliers
  • Never hire people that don’t fit the company and its vision
  • Generates revenues in a smart way. Kazidomi is generating revenues from :
    • Subscription
    • Product sale
    • Supplier marketing i.e. suppliers paying for promoting their brands and products

Kazidomi is a great marketing case.  Purpose-led branding converting in a solid customer base is where this case is all about.  Traditional Marketers can learn from this case how to build relationships with clients in a meaningful way.


Brave marketing, big rewards.