Why Steven van Belleghem should become the Marketing Leader(ship) of the Year


Do we really need to introduce Steven? He is an international keynote speaker, author and entrepreneur as the co-founder of Nexxworks.

He has 21 years of experience in market research and marketing consultancy, has written 5 books that sold together more than 150.000 copies and has delivered 1250 keynote presentations in 45 countries – actually, only one Belgian has visited more countries and sold more books: Tintin !

Steven brings forward one common denominator in his very broad scope of activities, the one on which he focuses his passion, and that is the future of customer experience.

Many things from Steven’s submission file and presentation stayed with the Selection Committee and the Jury, some we would like to mention here:

  • Might be obvious but sometimes overlooked: a better customer experience means a happier customer – so we as marketers can humbly but tangibly contribute to a happier world
  • His quest to help companies to deliver value for customers, employees and the society altogether
  • The marketer with the best understanding of the individual behind the customer will win, so marketers should cultivate and develop their empathy




Brave marketing, big rewards.